Monday, November 12, 2012

Crystal skull 水晶头骨

Crystal skull 水晶头骨
rystal skull has been of great interest to archaeologists and anthropologists  who are curious about it existence and purpose. They had been explore and found out total of thirteen of crystal skull from around the world. They are wondered why much work and time be spent on perfecting a human skull made out of one of the hardest substances known to man after diamonds, rock crystal ? The cutting on the rock crystal requires great expertise and precision and carving and polishing of which is equally time consuming. In an ancient time, those people did really acquire the high-tech tools and high intelligence?


An old Native American legend describes the existence of thirteen life-size human skulls made of rock crystal were said to speak or sing.  According to the legend, these crystal skulls contain answers to some of the great mysteries of life and the universe.  The legend also says that one, day at a time of great need, at a time of great crisis for humanity, all of these crystal skulls will be rediscovered and brought back together again to reveal their knowledge and information vital to the very survival of the human race.


The skull in question was a magnificent and perfect specimen made from almost totally transparent quartz crystal. It was the size of a real human skull and was highly anatomically accurate, coming complete with a separate lower jaw bone.

Anna Mitchell-Hedges

The young woman named Anna Mitchell Hedges who found the crystal skull back in the 1920’s. Since her first discovered her crystal skull, a number of other crystal skulls have also come to light. This is become true according to the prophecy of old Native American legend. She died on the year 2007 and at the years of 100. Anna was convinced that the crystal skull had magical healing and communicative powers and that it protected her and kept her in good health all her life. Others who had spent time with the skull also had a number of strange, paranormal experiences to report – that in its presence they had heard the soft sound of human voices chanting, or had seen images of the past or the future deep within its crystalline structure.

From Scientific Perspectives

*Know more: the crystal skull cannot be tested to find out which is the period of the skull had been made because the crystal does not contain any carbon.


The crystal skull was made exactly the same type quartz crystal that is now found at the heart of the telecommunications industry, piezo electric silicon dioxide- which is renowned above all other materials for its information storage capacity. And it is from this material that microprocessors are made – the very circuitry on which our whole modern civilization now depends.
Quartz crystal is only slightly softer than diamond, and is also very brittle because of its grain structure, making it an incredibly difficult material to carve. It would actually have been impossible to carve such a delicate and exquisite object particularly such as the lower jaw from a single piece of crystal, using modern diamond-tipped electrically-powered machine tools, without it shattering into pieces.  They therefore concluded that the crystal skull must have been made by hand.
Polished or grinded the crystal skull by hand would have taken several human generations. They estimated 300 man years of effort would have been involved.
Find no sign of either modern machine- tools or ancient hand-held tools having been used to make the crystal skull.

From Tribal Perspectives


Many native people believe that the skulls form an access point into the other multiple levels of reality had exist in parallel to our own everyday waking world. They believe that part of our soul, or our consciousness, can literally travel into these other dimensions through the crystal skulls. They can also help each of us to access other levels of our own consciousness, which many of us today have forgotten how to use.
Crystal skulls had once been used in many of the sacred sites around the world (eg temples of ancient Maya, Stonehenge,…). According to indigenous elders such as Hunbatz Men the time has now come for the sacred crystal skulls to be returned once again to the sacred sites where they were first kept so as to ‘re-awaken those sites so that the right energies can go out into the world’.
Crystal skulls can help awaken us to our connections with all other things. They show us ‘the aliveness of all things: they are magical objects; they are the image of death, yet they contain the breath of life, the same breath of life that we have and that we share with all other things’. According to Leon, ‘The crystal skulls emit a sound – the sound of creation. This is the same sound the Earth made when it came into being, the same noise that happens at conception and the noise that a leaf makes when it unfurls in the spring. In this way the crystal skulls show us that we are connected with all of life and with the great mystery and beauty of creation’.

Curse of Crystal Skull: Warning

Carole Wilson, a renowned psychic whose strange powers had previously been used by police officers trying to solve murder cases and find the missing. She said that the crystal skull was made many thousands of years ago.
This skull was rumored to have supernatural powers and many who had spent time alone with it described a glowing aura and said bizarre filmic images appeared inside it.
She claimed to be able to channel whatever ‘intelligence’ lay within the skull. During ghostly and dramatic session with Carole and the skull, the voice emanating from her predict that “a disaster of great consequence” for the Earth. It spoke of the shifting of the planet's magnetic field, rising seas and vanishing land mass. Unbelievable things appeared is seems like the skull anticipated human thoughts during ghostly session of Carole. The voice responded before a person had uttered a word.
Smithsonian Institution in Washington (museum) received a mail by an anonymous donor who had experienced several personal tragedies since acquiring the skull and committed suicide after posting it. When the skull arrival, the museum suddenly started getting calls about similar artifacts from around the world- as if their own skull was communicating with the others.
The voice channeled by Carole Wilson had accurately predicted that more skulls would come to light, so too came suggestions that its terrifying prophecies about man’s destiny may be founded in truth.

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